Donate to Marine Rescue Queensland


Marine Rescue Queensland (MRQ) is able to receive donations into The MRQ Public Fund, a public fund with deductible gift recipient status. This means that donations are receipted (where donor details are provided and the donation is identified) and amounts donated over $2.00 are tax-deductible. Please email for further information.

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Direct Deposit Donations

Deposit funds directly from your account to The MRQ Public Fund Account.

When making your deposit please include your name as a reference. This will help make it easier to reconcile up your donation advice with funds received. 

Bank: Commonwealth Bank

Account name: Queensland Police Service – Marine Rescue Queensland Public Fund

BSB: 064 013

Account number: 1004 4719

Please email confirmation of your deposit to and include your name and address if you would like a tax-deductible receipt sent to you.
If you wish your donation to benefit a specific MRQ unit, please include instructions about that with your donation advice.

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